Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloweening 2011: Finn

So continuing on the costume train...

Finn as a Mummy!

Who doesn't love a classic monster? Last year, I had suggested that Finn dress as a mummy, but he wasn't having it. So, we were super surprised and excited, when he said he wanted to be a spooky mummy this year.

I bought a few yards of the cheapest white fabric I could find at the fabric store. For the top, I bought a white tshirt at Michaels for $2.50. And then dyed it all with some tea.
I caught a lucky break (via facebook) when a fellow Cardiff mom gifted me her son's old mummy costume. (thanks MMB, you're a life saver!) The hand me down costume's look was a little different than our vision, but I used the pants and head piece after removing some of the tulle bandages on it.

The end result is almost what I had in mind. (but seriously, the whole process took a lot longer than I could of imagined.)

This costume is 75% hot glue, 15% sewing and 10% good luck. I am so thankful it turned out.
I picked up a face-painting kit on clearance and bamm! a mummy is born resurrected.

Grand total: $7.50

....Devlin is up next, tune in tomorrow!